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BUF X Cass

Meet Cassey Maynard, CO-Founder of BUF Girls and all round fitness babe.

Thanks for joining us on the Seafolly Insider, babe! Let’s start with the facts, where did you grow up and where do you call home now?

I was born in Newy, raised in Brissie and now call Bondi home!

Have you always been in the fitness industry?

No, I actually moved into the industry only 6 years ago. Before that time I spent most of my career in corporate sales. I’ve sold water, energy drinks and luxury Champagne to the masses so I’ve got a good understanding of what life is like on the other side!

Tell us a little bit about BUF girls?

We want women help women to live their best lives! We do this through creating Beautiful connections within our amazing community, Unstoppable bodies through movement and nutrition and a Fearless mindset to keep learning and seeking new challenges.

Being a BUF girl isn’t about comparison or body image but instead it’s about a healthy body and mind and fun fitness that’s inclusive and full of good vibes!

What’s your morning ritual?

Most mornings I’m up at 5am. I have a quick stretch, lemon or apple cider vinegar in warm water, dressed and I’m out the door (makeup and hair are done in the car)! I teach 3 classes then mediate for 20 mins. COFFEE time hits around 8.30am… Long black with a dash of milk please! I teach my forth class of the day and then I’m finally ready for my favourite meal …breakfast.

If you could give 1 piece of advice to girls who want to get fit but are finding it hard, what would it be?

Find a way you love to move your body and DO THAT! If you hate the gym then don’t go!!!! There are so many ways you include movement in your day…long walk, bike ride, yoga/Pilates or dance class. So many options but if you don’t love doing something you won’t stick to it.

Favourite guilty pleasure?

I have 2… Pizza and RED WINE!

What’s something people don’t know about you?

I travelled the world as an air hostess for Emirates and was based out of Dubai!

You motivate women every day, but what motivates you?

Positive people and FUN vibes!

What’s the perfect summer’s day for you?

Wake up early with NO alarm, coffee date in the sunshine with a friend followed by brunch, markets, beach and then a glass (or 3) of Rose at North Bondi Fish!

Favourite Seafolly item?

I’m in LOVE with Capri Check active bra!

Follow @cassey.maynard’s active adventures on Instagram.